Adoption fee for cats is $175. It includes spay/neuter, shots for rabies & distemper and testing for FIV and Feline Leukemia
Mia is 6 months old. She was rescued a few months back from a colony with her sister Bella. She is an independent girl but can be affectionate on her terms. She loves toys and loves to play.
Bella is 6 months old. She was rescued from a colony with her sister Mia. She is an active girl with typical calico personality. She doesn't mind being petted but a little nervous about being held.
Scamp is 6 months old. He was rescued from a colony with his 4 siblings. He is the quiet one of the bunch but he is still very active. He's a bit of a mush and loves to cuddle.
Raven is a young spunky girl with gorgeous amber eyes and a soft side. She gets along very well with other cats and is learning to trust humans. She loves being petted but not a fan of being held. That might change in time with a person willing to give her the space she needs to settle in. She is extremely food motivated and can be won over with treats.
Minnie is a gorgeous girl who will need a home that appreciates her independent spirit. She doesn't mind being petted on her terms but prefers to hang out in her own quiet space. She is picky about her kitty friends so she might be best as an only cat.
Fettucini is a spirited boy with lots of energy. He loves to play....a lot. He gets along with other cats, he would be best with a cat that has a similar energy level. He has a doggie friend, Alfredo (Alfie). They enjoy playing together and it would be nice if they can find a home together. You can check out Alfie on our doggie page.
Khloe is a bit shy but enjoys being petted. She has come out of her shell and has become a happy active girl. She gets along with most other cats but proper introduction is best. She is not a fan of the pups.
Checkers was rescued from a colony. He is affectionate and sweet but is still a little sensitive to new people and situations. He is very attached to Toby and we'd like to find them a home together.
Toby was rescued from a colony. He very quickly went from feral kitty to total mush. He is very sweet and affectionate, he LOVES belly rubs and pets and sitting in your lap. He is attached to Checkers and we'd like them adopted together. He is shy with new people so he will need time to adjust in a new home.
Fergie was found outside with her siblings Fiona & Frankie. She is very sweet and affectionate, loves to play but when play time is over she settles into her bed for naps. She's an all around great girl. She's gets along very well with other cats.
Precious is a young outside cat who was brought inside after having a litter of kittens. In a short time she has learned to love being brushed and doesn't mind being petted. If you sit near her you can put her in your lap to pet or brush her. She is shy around new people so she'd need some time to adjust in a new home. She is OK with other cats. No dogs or small children for her at this time.
Quiet, thoughtful girl who would love a home where she can just hang out and lay in the sun. She likes to observe things before diving into the action. She is bonded with her sister Patty and they will be adopted together.
Feisty girl who lives by her own rules. Affectionate, sweet and loveable. She loves to play and is full of energy. She is bonded with her sister Frenchie and they will be adopted together.
Yes, this is the same Piper that was rescued from the drainage pipe a while ago. She is a sweet girl who loves being petted. She is good with most other cats but not with dogs. She loves to play with laser toys and will be a wonderful family cat.
Simba was found at the shelter gate with facial injuries. After healing and medical testing it was found that Simba is FIV+. He is active and healthy and gets along with other cats so he would have to be either an only pet or with other FIV cats. If you would like to meet him please call the shelter so we can set up an appointment. Is adoption fee is sponsored.
Stripes is a senior male Tabby and very friendly. He gets along with other cats and would make a great addition to any family. He's definitely a caretaker cat, and if someone is looking to adopt a loving guy in his senior years Stripes would be very happy.
Recently Adopted
Sprite ADOPTED JANUARY 2025!!!
Sprite is 6 months old. She was rescued from a colony with her 4 siblings. She is a sweet, affectionate girl. She loves her play time but also loves to cuddle and be held. She'd be a great new family member.
Scrappy ADOPTED JANUARY 2025!!!
Scrappy is 6 months old. He was rescued from a colony with his 4 siblings, he is a very friendly and active boy. He loves to play and will be a great addition for a family who loves and active cat.
Screech ADOPTED JANUARY 2025!!!
Screech is 6 months old. He was rescued from a colony with his 4 siblings and a very active boy. He's vocal and although not a big cuddler he can be very affectionate. He gets along with other well with other cats.
Steffie ADOPTED DECEMBER 2024!!!
Steffie is 6 months old. She was rescued from a colony with her 4 siblings. All of them had very bad eye infections but Steffie had it the worst. So far she has responded well to meds and although its taken time the eyes seem to be clearing up slowly. She isn't blind but she does have impaired vision at this point. Its unclear whether the meds will continue to clear it up or if further medical attention will be needed. Because of this special need she will be placed in a quiet home, she gets very nervous with a lot of activity. In spite of her rough start she is a wonderful little girl, she's sweet and affectionate and enjoys her play time.
Kim is a shy girl who will need time and patience to adjust to a new home. Once comfortable she is affectionate and will make a great companion. She gets along with other cats but not a fan of the pups.
Houdini& Smores ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 2024!!
Houdini (Male) & Smores (Female) are a young bonded brother/sister pair. Houdini lives up to his name. He is very friendly & doesn't mind being held & petted. Smores is a bit more shy and will take time to warm up to a new situation. Once she's comfortable with new people she is very affectionate
Jager ADOPTED JUNE 2024!!
Jager is a gorgeous fluff of a boy, a bit on the shy side. Once he warms up he is loving and sweet and full of hugs. He has a ton of energy and loves to play. He would appreciate a window to look out of where he can watch the scenery. He might benefit from having another kitty friend that can match is energy level.
Rocky ADOPTED APRIL 2024!!
Rocky had a rough start in life but has bounced back and is ready for a home. He is a big boy full of hugs and kisses. He will need a little time to get used to new surroundings so a home with older kids would be best.
Mortitia & Gomez ADOPTED FEBRUARY 2024!!!
Mortitia & Gomez are a bonded sister/brother pair. Mortitia is more outgoing and friendly, she is the one with the black heart nose. Of course "Cara mia!" Gomez is a bit more reserved but doesn't mind being petted. They are both love bugs and very affectionate once they know you. They will need a home together.
Nina Ballerina ADOPTED FEBRUARY 2024!!!
Nina was rescued from a colony. She likes to roll around and get pets and when she was outside she used to spin around in circles when the food was coming. She will need time to adjust in a new home but once comfortable she's going to be an affectionate lap cat. She also loves to play with pretty much any toy.
Oliver & Olivia ADOPTED FEBRUARY 2024!!!
Oliver & Olivia are siblings that were adopted out as kittens. Sadly they were returned to the shelter because one of their owners is dealing with a serious illness and was unable to care for them. They are bonded and will be adopted together. They are both very sweet and affectionate and would be great companions for a senior.
Johnnie ADOPTED DECEMBER 2023!!!
Johnnie is a shy boy looking for a quiet place to lay in the sun. He is affectionate once he's comfortable and has lots of love to give. He would be best in a home without young children. He would be OK with other cats and possibly even dogs.
Porter is a sweet active boy who loves people. He is friendly and active and loves to play. He affectionate and doesn't mind be held and cuddled. He'd be a great match with another cat and possibly dogs.
Kourtney ADOPTED NOVEMBER 2023!!!
***HAPPY GOTCHA DAY TO KOURTNEY*** She went to her forever home with her new fur dad who came and spent time with her and decided she was his forever girl. Happy life to both!
Marble ADOPTED MAY 2023!!!
Marbel was brought into the shelter with 3 siblings. She is the shyest one of the litter and takes a while to get used to new people. She now loves being pet but she's not a fan of being held. She will need time and patience in a new home and a person who will allow her to become comfortable in her new surroundings.
Fiona ADOPTED MAY 2023!!!
This gorgeous girl is looking for a home where she can give all the love she has to give. She is friendly and affectionate, loves to play and is curious about everything. She would be a great family cat.
Frankie ADOPTED APRIL 2023!!!
Frankie is a sweet boy with a curious side. He is affectionate and loves to play. He gets along well with other cats and would love a nice comfy place to hang out.
Rescued from a colony with his siblings, he went from scared feral to total love bug. Purrs as soon as he sees you. Affectionate but will let you know when cuddle time is over. Active and loves to play. He is shy around new people so he will need a patient owner who will give him time to get comfortable.
Cricket ADOPTED FEBRUARY 2023!!!
Cricket rescued herself from an outside colony, she went running up to a person when she was 3 weeks old & jumped in their hands. She has blossomed into a sweet girl who loves to be held and give kisses. She gets along with other cats but likes to be the boss so a proper introduction would be necessary if she's going to have a kitty friend.
Janet is a sweet girl with a bit of an independent streak. She is affectionate, doesn't mind being held for a short time. She loves being petted and brushed.
Jack was rescued from a colony with his siblings Janet & Chrissy. He is a mellow boy who loves being petted & brushed. He loves his toys and would make a great family cat.
Chrissy ADOPTED DECEMBER 2022!!!
Chrissy is the lovebug of the trio, she loves being held and sitting in your lap. They can be adopted together or separately, they all get along well with other cats. She was adopted by previous adopters and will have 2 kitty friends.